Erice 30 May - 7 June 2025
In recent years, electron crystallography has undergone a tremendous development from a niche technique to an established method of structure analysis standing in line with x-ray and neutron crystallography. The technique continuously gains in popularity, covering new applications and developing new methodologies, thus requiring new experts with very specialized interdisciplinary knowledge of electron scattering and crystallography.
Consequently, the primary focus of the school is to provide comprehensive education on the workflow of the 3D ED/MicroED technique, covering various aspects of data collection, processing, and structure analysis. Students will acquire hands-on experience in structure analysis using electron diffraction data, thereby gaining a broad perspective on adjacent experimental and theoretical methods. With a diverse range of examples, we will explore all materials classes, including inorganic, organic and macromolecules. Additionally, we will demonstrate approaches for addressing unconventional structural problems.
A pivotal topic of the school will be the physics of electron scattering, including its implications for structure analysis, such as dynamical refinement. A central part of the program will be fundamental crystallographic education including the modern crystallographic methods of structure analysis and relevant software, which will be covered explicitly in dedicated lectures and tutorials.
In addition to teaching state-of-the-art crystallographic structure analysis with electrons, the program will explore emerging topics in electron scattering that may shape the future of structural science. The scope extends beyond 3DED to cover future trends such as 4D-STEM, ptychographic methods, structural dynamics and the analysis of disordered and amorphous structures with electrons.
Additionally, the school will benefit from the synergy with the Quantum Crystallography School running in parallel, with several lectures shared between the two schools. This will offer a unique opportunity to explore interdisciplinary applications of crystallography in quantum science and structural research.
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