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Intitulé du poste : Thèse
Ville :

Laboratoire/Institut :
Molecular Microbiology and Structural Biochemistry, UMR5086 CNRS-Univ. Lyon1

Research team: Biocrystallography and Structural Biology of Therapeutic Targets

Description du poste : Invasive fungal infections cause a range of severe diseases in humans and has become a  serious problem, amongst others in health care units. Nakaseomyces glabrata (previously known as Candida glabrata) is an opportunistic pathogen that has adapted to colonize all segments of the gastrointestinal tract, and which has recently been ranked by the WHO (2023) on the “high importance” priority list. Resistance to anti-fungals have been associated with amongst others morphological changes and alterations in the fungal cell wall, and thereby alterations in the immune responses of the host. The cell wall of the fungus consists mainly of chitin, chitosan, β-1,3-glucans amongst other polysaccharides. In this context, we are studying proteins involved in the remodeling of the N. glabrata cell wall, and in particular enzymes with activity related to chitin and β-1,3-glucans, with the aim of understanding the relationships between their structures/functions/activities, and ultimately their role in the pathogenicity of the fungi. This information should provide a promising basis for designing new antifungal molecules at the longer term scale.

Approaches to be used include: Molecular biology, purification (chromatography techniques), biochemical characterization, structural biology (X-ray crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, cryo-electron microscopy, ...), molecular docking.

Profil du candidat: Knowledge and experience in molecular biology and purification and standard biochemistry methods is required. Knowledge and experience in either X-ray crystallography or cryo-electron microscopy is a plus.

Procedure pour candidater: Send a detailed CV to the PhD supervisor Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. and Co-supervisor Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.
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