In this seminar we will look at the terms precision and accuracy and how they can be understood in crystallography.The talk will be held along the lines that are drawn in John’s recent article:Combining X-rays, neutrons and electrons, and NMR, for precision and accuracy in structure–function studies (Acta Cryst. A 77, 173-185, 2021):
The distinctive features of the physics-based probes used in understanding the structure of matter focusing on biological sciences, but not exclusively, are described in the modern context. This is set in a wider scope of holistic biology and the scepticism about `reductionism', what is called the `molecular level', and how to respond constructively. These topics will be set alongside the principles of accuracy and precision, and their boundaries. The combination of probes and their application together is the usual way of realizing accuracy. The distinction between precision and accuracy can be blurred by the predictive force of a precise structure, thereby lending confidence in its potential accuracy. These descriptions will be applied to the comparison of cryo and room-temperature protein crystal structures as well as the solid state of a crystal and the same molecules studied by small-angle X-ray scattering in solution and by electron microscopy on a sample grid. Examples will include: time-resolved X-ray Laue crystallography of an enzyme Michaelis complex formed directly in a crystal equivalent to in vivo; a new iodoplatin for radiation therapy predicted from studies of platin crystal structures; and the field of colouration of carotenoids, as an effective assay of function, i.e. their colouration, when unbound and bound to a protein. The complementarity of probes, as well as their combinatory use, is then at the foundation of real (biologically relevant), probe-artefacts-free, structure–function studies. The foundations of our methodologies are being transformed by colossal improvements in technologies of X-ray and neutron sources and their beamline instruments, as well as improved electron microscopes and NMR spectrometers. The success of protein structure prediction from gene sequence recently reported by CASP14 also opens new doors to change and extend the foundations of the structural sciences.
ECA lunchtime webinars - Precision and accuracy in structure–function studies (08-2021)
L'Association Européenne de Cristallographie (ECA) lance à partir du 10 juin 2021 à 13h des "webinaires déjeuner". Les groupes d'intérêt spéciaux (SIG) et les groupes d'intérêt général (GIG) de l'ECA organisent à tour de rôle un webinaire adapté à la communauté des cristallographes au sens large. Le deuxième webinaire sera diffusé le 9 septembre 2021 et est organisé par SIG-06 - Instrumentation and Experimental Techniques. Le thème de ce webinaire est Precision and accuracy in structure–function studies (John R. Helliwell, University of Manchester, UK). Inscriptions ici.