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L'Association Européenne de Cristallographie (ECA) organise depuis 2021 des "webinaires déjeuner". Les groupes d'intérêt spéciaux (SIG) et les groupes d'intérêt général (GIG) de l'ECA organisent à tour de rôle un webinaire adapté à la communauté des cristallographes au sens large. Le quinzieme webinaire sera diffusé le 3 novembree 2022 et le thème est Real-time crystallographic data processing with streaming data par Dr Thomas A. White Inscriptions ici.

Serial crystallography is already an infamous producer of large data volumes. Storing all of this data is already unsustainable, and the data rates will increase further as X-ray detectors and pulse rates get faster. A possible solution is to process the frames in real-time, as soon as they are read out from the detector, without ever hitting a filesystem. In this talk, I will describe how we deployed such a system for the P11 beamline at PETRA III, and discuss the implications on the way we carry out our experiments.


15th Webinar White